English Grammar Lessons. Present Continuous. Present Simple. Present Simple or Continuous. Click on that link and start receiving my free lessons. Pearson BROWN., Leslie Fonlladossa, Heng Tov both with some of these exercises and elsewhere in the past tense;-) All activities and explanations on this site are the copyright.
English Grammar Rules Explanation: Grammar knowledge is among essentials in learning a language. Online lessons are very convenient to learn and excel in grammar rules and become more confident in using the language. Choosing between good and well for example, much and many, may or must. Also See: Grammar Terms Detailed Explanations Quick Examples adjectives free grammar lessons adverbs Drive slowly adjectives vs adverbs Good vs Well a / an / the Articles a test, an exam, the test you took yesterday Auxiliary Verbs Learning English will be free. Causative I had my room cleaned. I got him to learn English. Conjunctions / Transitions and, but, so that.