Most Common Phrasal Verbs

• Add up To make sense; to seem to be logical or true. Example: “People doubted what he was saying, because his story wasn’t adding up.” • Blow up To become very angry. Example: “The woman blew up at her husband when he came home late.” • Bring up To mention (something) when talking; to start to talk about (something).

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  1. Most Common Phrasal Verbs In American English
PhrasalMost common phrasal verbs list pdfMost common phrasal verbs with examples

Most Common Phrasal Verbs In American English

This page is specifically about a pdf with classroom lessons and practice for about 100 of the most common phrasal verbs. It takes much of the information from the pages above, revises and rearranges it, and puts it into a classroom-friendly format. 5 Most Common Phrasal Verbs in English 4.0 (15 ratings) Course Ratings are calculated from individual students’ ratings and a variety of other signals, like age of rating and reliability, to ensure that they reflect course quality fairly and accurately.

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